News & media
4 March 2017
Have you heard about our new bridging rates?
2 March 2017
UTB increases profits by 36% to £20.7m
23 February 2017
UTB comments on 2016 Second Charge repossession figures from the FLA
16 February 2017
Brokers split on Base Rate increase predictions
10 February 2017
31% of brokers choose ‘boom’ over ‘doom’ in United Trust Bank sentiment survey
13 December 2016
60% of Brokers predict that their 2016 performance will exceed expectations.
28 November 2016
United Trust Bank aims to grow Development Finance team
9 November 2016
Over a third of brokers predict developers will find it harder to secure funding
7 November 2016
7 out of 10 Brokers are banking on a Clinton win