New Broker poll puts the EU referendum result on a knife edge with one week to go

A new ‘Brexit’ poll of over 200 finance brokers operating in the fields of bridging, development finance, asset finance and mortgages has revealed that the ‘Leave’ and ‘Remain’ campaigns are currently neck and neck.

The poll, carried out by United Trust Bank on the 16th of June, has found that 45% of brokers responding to the mini-poll would vote to remain, 45% would vote to leave and 10% are as yet undecided.


However, 46% of respondents indicated that they didn’t feel they had been given all of the information needed to make an informed choice and 25% of brokers felt that it was not right to hold a referendum at all and that the issue should have been decided by Government and independent experts.

In a further question, 43% of brokers indicated that the referendum had adversely affected their business during the first half of 2016 whilst just 2% had seen a benefit.

Harley Kagan, Managing Director of United Trust Bank, commented:

“According to our new broker mini-poll, the referendum on the UK’s relationship with Europe couldn’t be closer. With the Remain and Leave votes so equally matched, the 10% who are currently undecided will tip the balance on polling day. However, time is running out for the Remain or Leave campaigns to their case. For those brokers who believe the referendum has had an adverse effect on their businesses they will no doubt be looking forward to some clarity.

However, what lies ahead remains uncertain. Change will continue to happen whatever the result on June 23rd, and builders, businesses and individuals will always look to strong and reliable lenders when they need funds to develop, invest and improve. They will also still need knowledgeable, professional advisors when trying to navigate their way ahead so if we continue to forge strong partnerships and remain committed to our customers, together we should have nothing to fear. After all, change can bring opportunities as well as challenges.”