Extra support if you have a disability

If you have a disability or just need extra support
At United Trust Bank we try to understand the needs of our customers and aim to design products and services accessible to all customers.

In order to ensure that our products are available to you, we can adapt our services according to your personal needs and circumstances.

Sight Services
You can ask for communications to be sent to you in Braille, large print or audio by calling us on 020 7190  5555 or freephone 0800 083 2228, or emailing us using  [email protected].

Hearing and Speech
If you have a Textphone (also known as a Minicom) or computer with the appropriate software, you can use a Relay UK service. This can assist if you are deaf or have any difficulty with hearing or speech.

Simply dial 18001 followed by the standard telephone number. An operator will join in the call and read your written request to us.

The operators are bound by confidentiality and are acting on your behalf, so you can share the secure details needed for identification and verification questions.

You can also download the app and link your phone number, then you’re ready to start making calls.

Induction hearing loop at the office
Fixed and portable hearing-induction loops act as transmitters that cut-out background noise. This can make communicating with staff in person easier if you have a hearing aid. You can check your hearing aid is compatible by looking for the setting marked ‘T’. If it is, set it to this position. Our staff will make sure the hearing-induction loop is switched on and you’ll be able to communicate straightaway.

Third party access to bank account
You can nominate someone you trust to help you manage your account and money matters. It can be a family member, friend or carer. To agree a Third Party Mandate, the account holder must have the mental capacity to make his or her own decisions (otherwise a Power of Attorney is required – see below)

The person you choose can manage your account in a number of ways. Choosing the right option will depend on your needs and circumstances.

You can choose to allow one of the following types of access to your accounts:

  • A third party mandate arrangement– this allows someone to help when you need support with everyday banking over the phone. This can be set up entirely through United Trust Bank.
  • Lasting Power of Attorney– Registered with the Office of the Public Guardian, this allows the account holder to appoint someone as their attorney to support and help them manage some or all of their accounts. Unlike a General Power of Attorney, this will continue beyond such time as the account holder can no longer make decisions for themselves.
  • A deputy appointed by the Court of Protection– in this case, a court will appoint someone on your behalf if you are unable to do so

If it is an emergency, or an unexpected situation, and access is needed on more than just their account, you or the account holder should speak to us so we can consider how else we may be able to help.

Further support
For further advice and information, contact the Office of the Public Guardian or call 0300 456 0300 or freephone 0800 083 2228.

Carer support available at https://www.carersuk.org/

AGE UK provides comprehensive information at https://www.ageuk.org.uk/information-advice/money-legal/legal-issues/power-of-attorney/