Important information

Verifying your identity
Regulations require us to verify the identity of all account holders and signatories for each new account. To do this we require a copy of an identity document from each individual. The document must be one of the following:
- Valid Passport
- Valid Photocard Driving Licence (Full)
- His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs Letter addressed to the customer (dated in the last 12 months)
- Department of Work & Pensions Communication dated within the last 12 months
- Valid Firearms Certificate
- National ID Card e.g. EU State issued National Identity Card
As detailed in our Terms & Conditions, we will carry out identity checks from reference agencies based on the information provided and we reserve the right to request additional documentation.
Please also refer to our Privacy and Cookies Policy on how we will use personal information received from you.
Marketing Preferences
Occasionally we would like to provide you with details of the deposit accounts, savings rates and other products that we offer.
You can use this page to provide us with your consent to receive this information, your preferences on receiving this information and to withdraw your consent at a later date. You can reach this page in future by using the address
If you prefer to talk to us, you can call us on 020 7190 5555.
We will only use your personal information in accordance with any legal rights we have to do so and always in accordance with our Privacy Notice
We will never pass your details to any third party for marketing purposes.
Please update your preferences by completing the form here.
Privacy Notice
UTB takes its Data Protection responsibilities seriously and we are committed to using the personal data we hold in accordance with the law.
Our Privacy Notice describes UTB’s policies and procedures regarding its collection and use of your personal data, and sets forth your privacy rights under GDPR & Data Protection regulations. We recognise that information privacy is an on-going responsibility, and so will from time to time update this Privacy Notice as we undertake new personal data practices or adopt new privacy policies.
Please read our full privacy notice here
Please read our full cookies policy here
Fraud Prevention
Protecting yourself from fraud
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an increase in fraudulent activity and it’s important to us that our customers are protected from fraud during these challenging times.
The video below outlines a scenario where taking a moment to pause and think about the plausibility of a situation can prevent you from becoming the victim of fraud. You can find further information about the Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign and fraud prevention tips in the tabs below.
Please read our full fraud prevention policy here
Please visit here for our full Complaints policy
United Trust Bank is a member of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). If a bank or building society is unable to meet its financial obligations, the FSCS will pay each eligible depositor up to £85,000. The £85,000 limit is the combined amount in all the eligible depositor’s accounts with the bank, including their share of any joint account, and not to each separate account. Where an account is held in joint names, each account holder is treated as having a claim in respect of their share. i.e. for a joint account held by two eligible depositors, the maximum amount that could be claimed would be £85,000 each (making a total of £170,000).
For further information, please go to
Download our Depositor Protection Information Sheet and Exclusions List and retain for your records.
Bereavement Process
Losing a partner, family member, friend, companion or someone else close to you is a traumatic time. As well as dealing with the emotional aspects of your loss, you may find managing the practical matters difficult or overwhelming. We are here to help.
Our guide is designed to help you find useful information so that dealing with the inevitable administration and paperwork surrounding a death is as straightforward as possible.
Download our Bereavement Guide for useful information and next steps.
Deposit Customers Only
Download our Personal Representative Registration form to register a death with UTB.
Download our Bereavement – Request to Close Account(s) form to give account closure instructions.
Download our Personal Representative Request for Funds to Cover Costs form to make an urgent Inheritance Tax payment or pay Funeral expenses from a UTB account.