Accessibility and Vulnerability

At United Trust Bank, we understand there may be times when you need additional support

If there has been a sudden change in your life, whether permanent or temporary, there are many ways in which we can support you. Please find our support options that are available to you below, however, if you have a specific need that we haven’t mentioned, please get in contact with us and we will try our best to accommodate.

How you can access your account information
You can access your account information by contacting us by phone, email or secure message via online banking. You can call us on 020 7190 5555 or freephone 0800 083 2228. If you prefer, you can write to us at United Trust Bank, One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AW.

Online Banking
Our online banking service allows you to access your account information, open new accounts and set your maturity options. This option allows people who may struggle to talk to others to avoid any anxiety that can come from having to make a phone call.

Alternative Format
You can request that various written communications, including terms and conditions, account statements and letters, be sent to you in various ways, such as braille, large print and audio files. What’s more, you can request to change this at any time throughout our relationship. Please contact us once you have chosen the most suitable format, and everything we send you from then on will use your chosen method. If you require another form of contact not mentioned above, please let us know. We will do our best to help or suggest an alternative method.

Hearing and Speech
If you have a Textphone (also known as a Minicom) or computer with the appropriate software, you can use a Relay UK Service. This can assist if you are deaf or have any difficulty with hearing or speech. Simply dial 18001 followed by the standard telephone number. An operator will join in the call and read your written request to us.

The operators are bound by confidentiality and are acting on your behalf, so you can share the secure details needed for identification and verification questions.

You can also download the app and link your phone number, then you are ready to start making calls.

Third Party Authority 
This is a formal instruction from you, telling us that you would like to give someone authority to get information about your accounts on your behalf. The third party should be someone that you trust, like a family member or professional advisor. This option is for someone that can manage their account but just needs a bit of administrative help. If you need someone to act on your behalf, you will need to register a power of attorney. The third party can be set up by completing and returning an application to us. You can find this on our website here. 

Power Of Attorney
This is a legal document that lets you (the ‘donor’) appoint one or more people (known as ‘attorneys’) to help you make decisions or to make decisions on your behalf. We only accept registered power of attorneys that have been registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. You can find this on our website here.

Mental Health
Money problems and mental health issues are sometimes linked, with one causing or influencing the other. If you feel your financial situation is impacting your mental health, you’re not alone.

Signs you may be struggling:
• You are worried about being able to pay bills and/or are not opening important letters
• Your sleep is disturbed because you’re thinking about your finances
• You feel low or anxious, thinking your financial situation is hopeless

If you are struggling with any of these, or similar challenges, please contact or visit your GP or other health professional who may be able to help you.

When you’re ready to speak to us, please get in touch by whichever method below you prefer to find out how we can help you manage your account.

Ways to contact us

  • Login and send us a message via online banking
  • 020 7190 5599

    Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

  • Freephone – 0800 083 2228

    Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm

  • United Trust Bank, One Ropemaker Street, London, EC2Y 9AW

  • Submit via our online contact form
  • Use our Help Centre to see if we can answer any of your queries online