Funding an account
Frequently asked questions
How can I pay money into my account?
Once you have received your account details you can fund the account. If you are sending the funds by electronic bank transfer, you must select the corresponding account type: ‘personal’ for personal accounts and ‘business’ for all other account types.
The payee details for personal accounts are your full first name and surname, and for all other account types the payee should be the full name of your organisation.
The funds must be received from your nominated bank account.
Can you take the deposit via card payment or direct debit?
No, we do not accept card payments or direct debits as a means of funding your account.
When will my deposit show on the online banking service?
The deposit will show on the online banking service after we have carried out the necessary checks, and should be within 24 hours of making your payment. For any payments made over the weekend, these will be updated by the end of the next working day.
How do I know you have received my deposit?
If you have provided us with a mobile number during your application, we will send you a text message each time you make a deposit to us. If it is a joint account, both parties will receive the text. This extends to businesses and charities, though please note only the named contact will receive the text.
If no mobile number has been provided, we will send you confirmation by post when your account has been fully funded. For our Notice Accounts, confirmation will be sent with each payment you make.
You may check at any time how much we have received by logging into your online banking or calling us on 020 7190 5599 or freephone 0800 083 2228 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
What is Confirmation of Payee (CoP)?
When consumers and businesses make a payment, Confirmation of Payee (CoP) shows them if the money is going to the right account. They can verify that the name on the recipient account is the same person or business to which the money is intended to be sent before they transfer the funds. That way they can be reassured that the funds end up in the right place.
To ensure the details you enter match up with the account you have opened with United Trust Bank, you must choose the correct account type (personal or business), payee name (your first name and surname or your organisation’s name), and use the sort code and account number we have given you.
Why has my bank or building society stopped my transfer to United Trust Bank?
Your nominated bank may stop or hold your transfer to us if it is deemed unusual to the normal activity on your account. If this is the case, your bank should contact you to check you are happy to proceed.
For electronic transfers, check that the sort code and account number have been entered correctly. After you have confirmed that you have entered the correct details, permit your bank or building society to proceed with the transfer.
Can I send in test payments?
Yes. If you wish to send in a test payment to ensure you have the correct details, you may do so. The test payment can be as little as £1.00, and when we receive the funds we will send you a text message so you know they have arrived safely.
How long does it take you to receive the funds I have sent?
This depends on how the funds are sent and so determines when we can confirm receipt.
Faster Payments and CHAPS Payments will be received the same day they are sent, subject to cut-off times of the sending bank.
BACS transfers will be received 3 working days after they are sent.
Please note that it can take up to 48 hours for us to receive the required information.
Can I send multiple payments to fund my account?
Yes. We appreciate that some banks have a limit on how much can be transferred per day, so if you need to split the funding over several days, that is absolutely fine.
For Fixed Term Bonds, the final transfer of your intended deposit amount must be made within the 14 day funding window that follows account opening. Once we have received the full amount indicated on your application, we will send you confirmation.
For Notice Accounts, the minimum balance requirement of £5,000 must be met within the 14 day funding window that follows account opening. We will send you confirmation each time you make a transfer to us.
When can I make a deposit into my account?
You can begin sending your funds as soon as you receive your sort code and account number from us. For Fixed Term Bonds, you have 14 calendar days from the day the account is opened to send us the total deposit as stated in your application.
If you have opened an account that allows additional deposits, such as a Notice Account, you can make transfers as you please from your nominated bank account. However, if you would like to deposit more than £1,000,000, please click here to find out how we can help you. You will still need to have sent the minimum required balance of £5,000 within the first 14 days.
When does my 14 day funding window end?
The 14 day window starts on the day the account is opened and ends 14 calendar days later. If we have not received any funds by the end of the 14 days, the account will be closed.
Can I change the amount that I am going invest?
If you have opened a Fixed Term Bond, and providing you are within the 14 day funding window, you can change the amount you are going to invest. Just contact us to let us know the new amount to expect.
If you have opened an account that allows additional deposits, such as a Notice Account, you can make transfers as you please from your nominated bank account up to the maximum balance allowed.
Can I top up my investment?
Fixed Term Bonds can be topped up at maturity only. We need to receive the top-up deposit from your nominated bank account at least one day before maturity.
If you have opened an account that allows additional deposits, such as a Notice Account, you can make transfers as you please from your nominated bank account up to the maximum balance allowed.
When will I start to earn interest on my deposit?
This will depend on how the deposit is made.
For deposits made by Faster Payments or CHAPS Payment, we will receive these on the same day that you have sent them, subject to cut-off times of the sending bank. These will be treated as cleared funds upon receipt and interest will accrue from the date of receipt.
For deposits made by BACS transfer, we will receive these three working days after you have sent them. These will be treated as cleared funds upon receipt and interest will accrue from the date of receipt.
For deposits made by cheque to fund an open account, these will be treated as cleared funds from the first working day after we credit your account. If a cheque has been paid into your account but is later returned unpaid, we will reverse the credit (including any accrued interest) and inform you this has happened.